
Strong Communities United was initiated by neighborhood friends as a way to support local businesses. Our goal is to utilize local indivduals and benefactors who want to help their communities small businesses remain viable during this time of unprecedented challenges. One way we can do this is by continuing to make one time or regular payments (donations) as if we were still receiving the services or goods we purchased on a regular basis.

Small businesses exist in our towns, and neighborhoods. They are often run by families and friends who support us day in and day out. We hope this growing site will enable you to find and support those individuals and businesses that are important to you. If you do not see your local community or business listed and would like to have it added, please contact: , for more information.

Any donations provided to local businesses at this time are to be consider as GIFTS with no expectation for goods or services now, or at any time in the future.

Businesses are listed within each town or city community by following the links below.

The box below links to the Commonwealths' COVID 19 information site.